Endocrinology Research and Practice
Original Article

The Thyroid Volume and Distribution of Nodules in Patients with Nodular Goiter


Gazi University, Medical Faculty, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ankara, Turkey


Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine-Endocrinology, Ankara, Turkey


Ankara Ataturk Education and Research Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ankara, Turkey

Endocrinol Res Pract 1998; 2: -
Read: 1596 Published: 18 March 2022
1202 patients who were subjected to fine needle aspiration biopsy after providing euthyroid state during 1985-96 were examined retrospectively in the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Gazi University Medical Faculty. Thyroid gland volumes and distribution of the nodules within the gland, determined y means of ultrasonographic method, were reviewed İn this group of patients. 1042 of them were female and 160 were male. Mean age was 41.14±13.48 in euthyroid females and 40.59±11.72 in euthyroid males, 45.25±15.25 in hyperthyroid females, 41.16±18.13 In hyperthyroid males, and the mean age in the hypothyroid females and males was 43.71±14.25, 41.62±14.46 respectively. Female/male ratio was 6.5/1 in the study group. Thyroid gland volumes in females were 44.82±47.35 mi in the right lobe and 40.34±56.51 mi in the left lobe. The results for the male patients were 20.27±15.50 mi and 17.98±17.46 ml for the right and left lobe respectively. Right lobe volumes were found to be larger than the left lobe volumes, which was not statistically significant within both the male and female groups. However, right lobe volumes were significantly larger than the left ones, when the sex was not taken into consideration (p<0.05). Also again when sex was not taken into consideration, significantly more nodules were detected within the right lobe than the left (p<0.05).
EISSN 2822-6135