Endocrinology Research and Practice
Original Article

The Clinical Features of Patients Admitted to Akdeniz University School of Medicine Endocrinology Department with Hypoglycemia


Akdeniz University, School of Medicine, Endocrinology, Antalya, Turkey


Akdeniz University, School of Medicine , Emergency , Antalya, Turkey

Endocrinol Res Pract 2005; 9: 9-11
Keywords : Hypoglycemia, etiology
Read: 1540 Downloads: 621 Published: 01 March 2005


To determine the demographic, etiologic and clinical features of hypoglycemic patients admitted to Akdeniz University Endocrinology and Metabolism Department. We analyzed 100 hypoglycemic patients who admitted to Akdeniz University Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Department between 2001-2003 retrospectively. Of the 100 patients only 75 patients’ data for demographic and clinical features can be determined. Of the 75 patients 39 were female (%52.7), 36 were male (%47.3). The age of the patients were between 16-89 (median 58 ± 18 year). 17 patients(%22.6) had no history of known DM. Of the 58 patients known to have DM, 9 were (%15.5) type 1, 47 were (%81.1) type 2 ve 2 were (%3.4) steroid induced DM. Of the 58 diabetic patients, 39 were (%67.2) taking insuline treatment whereas 19 were (%32.8) taking oral
antidiabetic agent especially sulfonylureas. The level of blood glucose at the time of admission to the hospital were between 12- 57 mg/dl. Of the 75 patients, 54 (%72) were admitted to the hospital with neuroglycopenic symptoms whereas 21 (%28) were admitted to the hospital with adrenergic system symptoms. The cause of
hypoglycemia were dietetic error in 32 diabetic patients(42.7%) excessive use of insüline and oral hypoglycemic agents in 26 patients (34.7%), drugs in 2 patients (interferone, octreotide) (2.7%), renal insufficiency in 2 patients(2.7%), hepatitis in 2 patients(2.7%), Addison disease in 1 patient (1.3%), surreptitious use of oral hypoglycemic agents for suicide in 1 patient (1.3%), dumping syndrome in 1 patient (1.3%), chronic alcoholism in 1 patient(1.3%). In 7 patients(9.3%) the etiology of hypoglycemia was not identified. 63 patients (%84) were improved with parenteral treatment whereas 12 patients (%16) were improved with oral treatment. There was no mortality depending on hypoglycemia in our patients.

EISSN 2822-6135