Endocrinology Research and Practice
Case Report

Secondary Amyloidosis with Amyloid Goitre Presenting as a Multinodular Goitre


Senior Residents


Dr. Khurana is Professor of Pathology and Dr. Kakkar is Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, New Delhi, India

Endocrinol Res Pract 2007; 11: 119-120
Keywords : Amyloid, goitre, thyroid
Read: 2153 Downloads: 448 Published: 01 December 2007

Amyloid goitre is a rare entity defined by the presence of amyloid within the thyroid gland in such quantities as to produce clinically apparent enlargement of the gland. It affects the thyroid in a bilateral and diffuse manner. Pre operatively it simulates a multinodular goitre and surgical intervention is often necessary to establish a diagnosis and to relieve compressive symptoms of a neck mass. We present a case of 15 year old female with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) who presented with a thyroid enlargement diagnosed only post operatively on histopathological examination. 

Multinodüler Guvatr Tanısı ile Başvuran Sekonder Amiloidoza Bağlı Amiloid Guvatr

Amiloid guatr klinik olarak tiroid bezinin anlamlı ölçüde büyümesine yol açacak düzeyde amiloid birikimi sonucu ortaya çıkan nadir görülen bir durumdur. Tiroidi bilateral diffüz olarak etkiler. Preoperatif multinoduler guatrı taklit eder ve boyundaki kitlenin bası etkisini kaldırmak ve tanı için cerrahi müdahale gereklidir. Burada 15 yaşında juvenil romatoid artritli tiroid büyümesi ile başvuran ve postoperativ histopatolojik
inceleme ile tanı konan bir kız çocuğu sunulacaktır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Amiloid, guatr, tiroid

EISSN 2822-6135